Harvest The Crops
How much can you harvest within 30 seconds?
Electric Car Test Drive
Reduce carbon footprint by driving an electric vehicle
Construction Worker Dance
Clock in, clock out in this dance rhythm game
Zombie Last Survivor
You are the last one standing. Don't crumble!
Polizei Dance Revolution
Catch the arrows to score points
Light Duty Truck Visualizer
Deconstruct the truck. Marvel at its attributes.
Archer Defense
Protect your wall at all costs
Shoot The Duck
Eliminate the ducks
Lumberjack Challenge
60 seconds to chop wood. Drink Soda to get a power boost!
Shoot The Soda Can
Blast soda cans in your basement.
Quarterback Dance Revolution
Who knew quarterbacks could twerk?
Mars Mineral Challenge
60 seconds to mine for minerals on the red planet.
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